Our Commitment


We are 100% dedicated to partnering with companies that want to make a difference in the way they produce and bring their products to market.  At the end of the day, we truly care about doing our part.

    • We are committed to our partners. Committed to work hard for you as an extension of your team.

    • We are committed to our retailers. Committed to bring solutions for their customers that fill a need and/or solve a problem.

    • We are committed to ourselves. Committed to live our values every day through the way we work and interact with others.

    • We are committed to the planet. Committed to help the environment recover and be sustainable for future generations.

Our Why


After 20+ years of experience in retail I felt the need to utilize my experience to make a bigger impact in the world. FIREFLY was born out of a goal to drive change by expanding purpose driven brand offerings to more people. This is not a job for me….this is a personal mission. Let us help you make an impact.

What’s in a name – why Firefly?

The symbolic meaning of a Firefly is to remind us of the importance of our internal character, the light from fireflies appropriately represents hope, guidance, inspiration, and awakening.  As an extension of your brand, we want to provide guidance and act on helping you accomplish your goals at the retail level.